How do you add this???


I have read a lot in this BB and decided to check out what this "Kalkwasser" stuff is, I bought some yesterday but now that I have it, I am sorta confused by the directions on it. Do you mix it in a seperate container, let it sit, then add the water by a drip system of some sort? and how you get this drip system?, buy it specially or what? Sorry if there is any confusion. Thanks!


I use a gallon jug and mix two teaspoons shake and let set for at least four hours and then syphon from the center of the jug staying away from the sedament on the bottom and the scum floating on the top they are both caustic [or chemicaly hot] then dose at one drop per second, and there are several ways to do this. 1- get a doseing pump expensive 2- get a kent aqua dose which is like a jug type I.V. drip unit this is what I use for around 20.00 bucks rinse it out regular and it will last a long time.3- make your own using a jug and a tube and a air regulator this and the aqua dose are gravity fed. and I strongly suggest useing coral vital or macro algae grow along with the kalkwassar. use it to make up your evaperation and with a little time and patentince the coraline algae will be growing everywhere and it dosn't matter if you drio directly to your tank or your sump.
Enjoy Eric