How do you cap your drainlines to prevent "Joy Riders"?


Active Member
Simple enough, we've all heard of fish found dead in the collection sock of the sump, I want to cap my drain lines with a screen, or grate of some kind. I want it small enough to keep fish and other inverts from going down the slide...but large enough that it doesn't block the water flow...or otherwise plug up. Over the years can they potentially plug up with coraline and other buildup? Or does the constant water flow prevent this?
Any suggestions?


Active Member
thanks for the tips. none of them helped...but, it did give me a good mental picture of the size ill need. basicly i was worried about getting something with too fine of holes...didnt want ti getting plugged up. Ill need almost 5 feet of mesh netting for a new kind of drain i came up with, and want to incoperate in my 125 build. I was just worried that the material would clog up over time.
again, thanks for the tips.