How do you catch an emerald crab?



I have this emerald crab that is getting big and it has taken chunks out of a mushroom. Tonight when I tried feeding my moonbrain it was all over it picking at it. So it has to go. Is there an easy way to catch them?


Active Member
Just catch them when they are out. Try not to scare them to much. Maybe get them when they are at a top rock or any other structure easily taken out quickly while you nab him. He'll be ok out of the water for a few seconds while you grab him. Just make sure he doesn't jump ship to the bottom.


I'd recruit "Scuba Steve" that crazy guy can do anything...


Active Member
Just bait him with some food, he'll come out. Then, just grab him with your fingers. If you grab his shell just behind his claws, he can't pinch you, if he would be so inclined. The only trick, really, is that they can grab onto a rock extremely tightly. Wait to grab it when it isn't on a rock, or maybe only has a few legs on a rock. If you try pulling one off of a rock, you'll likely end up leaving his legs behind on the rock, cause he ain't gonna let go. Thankfully, emeralds aren't hard to catch, unless they are on a rock.


try putting some food in a bottle and leave it in the tank on an incline. he will go get the food, but won't be able to get out


Active Member
Mine was always hard to find, once I found it on a removable rock I placed it and the rock in my qt (same parameters at the time) and waited for it to leave to eat and netted it. That was so true about them grabbing a rock extremly hard. Good luck, it shouldn't be too hard, just have patience.