How do you feed a starfish


I always thought that Stars only eat algae and scavenge for food. But I hear now that you can feed them meaty foods as well. Can someone please tell me how you do this beacause every time I feed my fish there is no food left for the star. Do you hand feed him Can you please help me on this


when you see them at the top with their legs streched out into the tank that is a good time to feed them. You will eventually train them into going there to get food. I give mine algae as well as small pieces of shrimp when I feed the anenome. I have three in my 75 gallon and they have never shown any aggressiveness toward the other tank mates including the snails. I think they know where the easy and tasty food is so the go there and wait.


Active Member
Agreed on the feeding method. You just have to hold the food close to them and they will reach out and grab it.
I'm not sure if you have a reef or a fish only tank, but keep in mind that chocolate chip stars are known for munching on corals... just fyi.


Active Member

Originally posted by jimang628
Don't be afraid to grab the star and stuff a shrimp in it's mouth. Then hold it against the glass until it latches on itself with shrimp intact.

:eek: It is my understanding that you are supposed to handle starfish as little as possible. Not to mention, what you are suggesting sounds VERY stressful for the star... just my $0.02.


I feed my choc chip every time he comes to the top of the tank and lays his legs backwards or
Sometimes if he is near the top, I hold the food against the glass and gently slid it under him until he slides over it on his own.
I feed him krill, shrimp pellets or whatever I have handy when I see him up there.
He is a little bitty one... alittle bigger than a silver dollar. I only have purple mushrooms and some green trumpet coral and have never seen him bothering them. Maybe when he gets big he will.


Kreach, my orang linckia always climbs to the top of the tank and reaches out with one of its legs. You said it depended on the starfish does mine fit in that category?


whenever its feeding time and the shrimp come out to eat i usually hand feed my fire shrimp flake foods and he gladly takes them. He now knows that at night when he senses or smells or sees floating flakes he will come out on the same rock every time and wait for me to notice him and feed him.


Active Member

Originally posted by G13
Kreach, my orang linckia always climbs to the top of the tank and reaches out with one of its legs. You said it depended on the starfish does mine fit in that category?

Linkia stars are algae eaters. The key to keeping them alive is proper acclimation and an established tank with LOTS of LR. There's no way to direct feed them that I know of.


My 4 inch starfish was crawling around the bottom so I got a piece of nori saeweed sheet and put the star on top of it. He has been eating since.