How do you feed blood shrimp?


Just got a new blood shrimp. How should I feed this guy?
I know these shrimps are scavengers, but I'm just worried that there isn't anything for them to scavenge.
I currently only have 2 clown in a 90g tank. Only thing I feed to them right now is flake food, and flake food never makes its way down to the bottom of the tank for the blood shrimp.

nm reef

Active Member
I never really worry much about feeding mine...they always seem to come out at feeding time and I suppose they get enough to get by...they've been in the display for about a year now and seem to be doing fine.
But I do feed a bit on the heavy side once a week or so...just to insure all my shrimp/crabs/snails/worms ....and assorted others get a morsal or two.


but the flakes I am throwing in the tank never makes it to the tank bottom. Should I still not worry about the shrimp?


my blood is hiding in a fairly deep cave. How do you get the shrimp into the cave? Do you just toss it in there and hope he finds it? or do you wiggle it around to get his attention ?LOL


Mine lives in a cave too. I sometimes take my aquarium tongs and just pinch some flakes with the tongs and place it near the cave, he comes right out and starts grabbing until he has collected a bundle in his claws.
The aquarium tongs have been very valuable, made of plastic and about 2 feet long, with interchangable head, one for pinching one for cutting. I've never used the cutting head. They are a must for people who have clownfish that think a human hand in the tank should be bitten multiple times.


New Member
I actually had one, but he died I think due to lack of food. He started looking really pale and withered, and a couple days later I saw his tail go floating by (which set off a war between a serpent star and a bunch of snails and peppermint shrimp. the star won and impressively ate the whole thing.)
I think he didn't get enough food for 2 reasons:
1) I cut back on feeding a lot to try to fix my hair algae problem
2) I had 3 peppermint shrimps that were much faster and more aggressive that would get all the food that sank before the reclusive blood shrimp
I just got rid of the pep shrimps (I hate them) because they ate more than the aptasia I had gotten them for, so I'll prob get another blood shrimp soon.


They are a must for people who have clownfish that think a human hand in the tank should be bitten multiple times.
Hilarious! My clown is a freaking terror. I have to account for him everytime I put my hand in the tank. Especially near his toadstool.


Active Member
I have 2 skunk shrimp
2 dancing shrimp
2 anenome shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 fire shrimp
they all seem to do well
I have found that they are really good at stealing formula 2 frozen drops from the fish when they fall to the ground
also evertime I feed at all, my fireshrimp comes running out of the rocks
I dont think they need much to survive
but they also enjoy their breakfast of brine shrimp