How do you feed your clown fish?


The title should be clown goby not clown fish.
I ask because today mine was acting weird; it was out in the open for the first time in the two months ive had it and i couldnt tell but his belly looked shrunken but i didnt get a good look. i feed mysis shrimp, cyclopeez, and flake food alternately. i have a 125 with only one clown goby and i feed a half cube of mysis and equal amounts of the other food (only one type of food per day) and im not sure if this is enough for him to find his fill so i thought id ask how everyone else does it. thanks for all your advice or suggestions


I guess i should mention i have a flametail blenny, 3 green chromis, a false percula, and a clown goby. also 3 cleaner shrimp and some snails and hermits


i have two clown gobies and they eat fine. mysis, flake, formula 1. they are usually the second guys to get at the food, after the clowns that pick stuff from my fingers, then the tang and LMB start cleaning up everything else.
try target feeding it with mysis in a turkey baster just try not to scare it to much