How do you feed your fish????

How do you feed your tanks with fish and sharks, when you are feeding different foods to different creautures, how do you make it work.... Thanks
I put some flake food in, some thawed brine, and then I dump some frozen squid in last for the sharks. Is this okay?? I noticed one or 2 pieces of squid about an hour or 2 later in the back behind the rock, should I take it out??? Justin


I jump into my tanks, grab all my sharks by the throat and punch them in the head then force feed them live russian mail order brides.


If they don't eat all the food take it out or you will have ammonia spikes. It's always best to throw the uneaten food away because it has lost all nutritional value once it's thawed in your tank. However I do know some people that just refreeze the food and feed it to them again at a later time.


No because then they are more dense and it costs more to have them freight shipped then it does to stick them on planes. :)

b volitans

Mail order brides??? isn't that too expensive? Why not just pick up a couple of bums off the street, offer them a $100 to go look at your tanks and kick them in!!!
i hav eel,triggers,lionfish,and a big tomato clown
i feed my smaller fish first like the triggers and the lion goes to one side to est his food and than i feed the eel because if i feed the eel and the triggers at the same time my eel will get one of my triggers :D