How do you float an anemone?


I am 10. I have 3 black and white clown fish. I want to by an atlantic carpet anemone for them. How do you float an anemone ? I have read the descriptions but it does not say how except they come in little water and you need a bucket.Please tell me!


Active Member
Originally Posted by UNO
I am 10. I have 3 black and white clown fish. I want to by an atlantic carpet anemone for them. How do you float an anemone ? I have read the descriptions but it does not say how except they come in little water and you need a bucket.Please tell me!

Floating is just taking the bag the animal was packed in and litterally floating it in your tank to acclimate it to your tank waters temperature. 1/2 hour should be sufficient. HTH


Active Member
That's what 'floating' is. However, the proper way to put an anemone into your tank is to drip-acclimate it (after a bit of 'floating'). If you notice on the left part of this website, one of the icons is "Acclimation," follow that.
Additionally the 'Atlantic Carpet Anemone' -- Stichodactyla helianthus is really not the best choose for an anemone, they get big, over a foot in diameter, and have a very potent sting. Large carpets have taken down heathly tangs. They are also known to sometimes eat clownfish that try to host them (as they are no clownfish in the atlantic).