How do you get pH down?


New Member
How do you get the pH down? I have a fish only tank and the pH is running a we bit high. 8.6


Active Member
Usually when things are testing high in the tank, the first step is to do water changes. If you change out a percentage of the water, you will get rid of some of the unwanted levels.


I am new to the board and the world of saltwater aquariums. I purchased a 29 gallon tank and it had been cycling for 4 weeks now. I dont have live rock in the tank as of now. I have 2 pieces of decorative coral, pacific crushed coral on the bottom, a heater and eclipse cover with built in lighting and biowheel filteration. I have 2 clown fish "hekyl" and "jekyl". My ammonia levels have decreased. My nitrite levels are still high, therefore I understand that the tank is still cycling. My pH has been reading 7.8 ever since I started the tank. Could this low reading be due to the acidity of my tap water. Should I read the levels on my tap water? Does anyone recommend any way to make the water more basic. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Hello tatoush-
Welcome to the board. I would say that you should post your question in the NEWBIE section and you might get a better response. Sometimes folks get upset when you ask another question is someone's thread..........just a suggestion. Good luck.


Hi rye,
thanks for the welcome, however is this not the "newbie section"? Is it different than the new hobbyists section which this is posted under. Thanx


Check the pH of you tap water. Usually my tap H20 is pretty neutral (@7.0) If yours is acidic you may want to look for a better water source. Reverse osmosis or distilled water is preferred but not ABSOLUTELY necessary for fish only tanks. If your tank is still cycling the pH may tend to run a little on the low side anyways. I'd recommend a water change except that won't help if your source water is low pH. Good luck