How do you keep your powerheads from falling down

I have a problem, my suction cups just arent holding there suck anymore. After about 2 days the powerheads fall and fall into my sand bed blowing sand around the tank. Of course this only happens when i am at work so i was just looking for some suggestions on how to keep your powerheads from falling?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bobothewizard
Can you give me a name that i could look for?
I'd go with Maxi-Jet .. Great PH, and I know they come with the attachment. :D


Agreed with the Maxi Jets, been using a set of 1200's for about 5 years now and its time to replace them. I've never used the suction cups, they just wear out to fast and can cause bad things to happen.
I always suggest the MJ 900's, best economical value between power and power usage.


Be sure to use the hanging bracket. Maxi-jet suction cups suck too. I just ordered $20 worth of new suction cups for mine. I was new and didn't know to use the bracket when I got them.


But the hanging bracket only lets you hang the PH at the top of the water. If you need to place one (and I think we all do) in the middle or the bottom...suction cups are the only option, aren't they? You can sort of assist the suction cup by the stretching out the power-cord of the PH, so as to not to put all the weight on the suction cup.


Active Member
The bracket on my maxi-jet allows it to be placed at least 3/4 of the way down in my 10 gallon. Of course this would vary in deeper tanks. :D


my MJ's do the same thing and drive me nuts. The bracket only works like the first few inches; which is pointless in my app.
I was going to superglue the suction cups on just need to drain the water below this level. I need to get the 30 gallon fish container out since I need to drain a lot of water to get down to that level....


Wal-mart sells awesome suction cups in the crafts dept. (yeah, they have one of those...)
The large ones fit the maxijet PH's. The small ones fit Hagen but don't work much better than the original ones so I use 2 small and force one large on the hagens. But I have 3 large ones on my MJ... They fit nice. But you gotta remove the metal... :rolleyes:


I used the suction cups on my maxi-jet, and tied 2 thicker fishing lines from the top of the unit up and over around to the back of my tank stand. Im pretty sure this would work for the long term as well. I have a 60 hex, so its really deep and the haning attachment simply wont work.