how do you know when an anemone is about to host a clown?


I just got a carnation anemone two days ago. Today my black and white clown has been burying his nose into the anemone, laying flat in it and wiggling around and then hovering around it, but he seems a little hesitant. Is he asking for the okay? Is he developing a relationship here, what is going on?
The only clown I had that made a home in a anemone was my maroon in a bubbletip. It was instant. Until the maroon died tragically of ich a few days after we got the bubbletip, and then we lost the bubbletip in a tragic powerhead incident - but that's neither here nor there, so how do you know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JFarris
burying his nose into the anemone, laying flat in it and wiggling around and then hovering around it
When the clown does that ^. :)