I got an inexpensive anemone - 12.99 at LFS it's clear - it's been 5 days and today he shrunk and looks shriveled.
Is he recouperable? or should I just remove him before he spills his guts out? I tried to move him, but his food is planted to rock.
I don't think he lasted because I only have 50/50 actinics. He was eating well. But now, I don't know if I should pry him off before he really dies or do I have hope??
:help: :help: :help:
Is he recouperable? or should I just remove him before he spills his guts out? I tried to move him, but his food is planted to rock.
I don't think he lasted because I only have 50/50 actinics. He was eating well. But now, I don't know if I should pry him off before he really dies or do I have hope??
:help: :help: :help: