How do you make an QT tank?


New Member
I really have no idea how to make a QT tank. I dont know what I need and things like that. How do I make it??? How big should it be? How many and what kind of filters, powerheads, heaters, sizes, ETC...
ANYBODY KNOW? I WANNA TRY TO KEEp my fish alive and try to learn the best way trying to keep the price for the tank not way too high. Thanks alot and PLZ REPLY ASAP. I NEED HELP:)


Active Member
Setting up a QT is very easy, basically all you need is a heater, filter, and somthing for the fish to hide in. Is this going to be a hospital tank too? If it is then you should have no substrate or LR. Your tank size depends on what kind of fish you have, IMO the smallest QT size should be a 10 gal, but if you have like tangs ect, then you need a larger size. You can use LR if you want to cycle it. Then just have like a wet/dry hang on filter.


New Member
Well do what kind of filter, heater, and other things do you think is good. Please be more spacific about all the things your talking about.
And yes its also going to be a HT for some of my fish that have ick. I think if I can get the money, I will buy a new like 30 gallon tank with a eclispe overtop with a power head, heater, and a skimmer, even tho thats a little pricy. You have any advice on what to buy and others?


Active Member
Well for my 10 gal QT that I have setup I just have a Walmart brand wet/dry filter (kinda cheap but it works). Then just a small heater. No substrate or LR because if you do any medication then it would kill it. Mostly your tank just needs to be bare, with like fake rock for the fish to hide in or something. Your setup that your planning sounds fine, although you don't need a skimmer at all, but if you want one you can have one. I think what your planning is all that you are going to need for a QT.


New Member
So I dont ahve to put in a PTSkimmer... Saves me alot of money. Beth says that the eclispe 3 works very well with a 29 gallon tank since the she is so gosu(god AS IN VERY VERY GOOD lol) with fish and tanks and all this stuff. Well I hope it works out for me, and Beth if your read this, reply soon to see what esle I need. Thanks for all the help. I just hope I can get the money from my dad to fix it up and make it purfected hehe. LoL


Active Member
Let me make this sound sooo much easier for you. You have the 180 gall., and you have tangs. Since it seems you are getting bigger fish, a 10 gall. just wont do, if you can afford a 30 gall. go for it. All you got to do is on the next water change take that water (if para. are good) and add to the QT/hospital tank, add a filter, heater, and something to hide in. I also added some bubble stones to help with the water movement to save on buying a powerhead. Suggested for hiding is PVC piping, the cheap fake rock at the LFS, etc. Measure your para for a few weeks make sure all is in check. Must say to add flakes to keep it cycled. You said at times it may be a hospital tank--- then add no substrate (better idea for just incasers anyways IMO). Make sure that tank is the same as your main tank (salinity, temp, etc) and get the your sick fish caught and put into the hospital (at this point) tank and then start lowering the salinity over the next few days. HTH, thats what I did and it worked for me, and now I have a QT tank and a healthy fish in main tank instead. ;)


New Member
Well, now my acchiles tang is getting lighter and losing its color. What should I do now? And I can't really afford any fish tanks right now. The only thing I have right now is a 10 gallon which I am fixing up right now. I have everything I need besides a big tank as in a 30 gallon. I have a aquaclear filter, which I think will do, heater, powerhead, and ill just buy some cheap rocks(not LR).


Active Member
if one fish is sick, all fish are sick that are in the tank. They may not be showing signs, but they have been contaminated (if its ich). I'm not sure where to lead you with a 10gall. but if thats all you got, thats the best you can do and you are trying at least to do the best you can. Anyone else?


New Member
Well, my fish seem really stressed out right now, do you know what to do? Everytime I chance the water, I put in stress coat and tap water conditioner. What esle do you think I would need? What esle do you think would cause my fish to go crazy, as in fadding, swimming like crazy like they are swimming for there life, and others...


Like the other posts said Ich will make your fish Dart back and forth. The Ich not only gets on their skin but also in the gills so the fish dart because of the irritation. If they are darting excessively then I think you are beyond just making water changes and go into Hypo salinity and maybe some total fresh water dips and the like.
Ofcourse if you get the hospital tank you can medicate it.


ineedhelpnow, where do you live... I have an Eclipse2, 25g tall tank that I've been trying to sell... if you're close, make an offer...


Staff member
Thanks for the compliment. Everyone is giving you good advise, but let me correct some misunderstanding. I have only just acquired an eclipse3 for my 20gal QT. I have not put it to the test yet. I did ask for opinions here and got thumbs up on the eclipse from some hobbyists who I very much respect. The downside to the eclipse is that it is designed to only support its own filtration--no add-on hang-on filters or skimmers. The plus is that you got your bio/mechanical filters [2] and water circulation in addition to adequate lighting for fish all in one unit.
Mind you, my 20 gal QT is for small fish only. I might put a single medium-sized fish in there, but no more than 1.
Now, what exactly is wrong with your tangs?


New Member
Well out of my 3 tangs, salfin, yellow, achillies, achillies is doing the worst. It is going nutz and has all these scratches since it has been going over the rocks, etc etc etc. Hes is going nutz fadding out his color and they are suppose to be black but now it looks like a blonde achillies tank. ROFL. The salfin and yellow look like they are doing fine. The don't have ick on it only the achillies. They seem to be going out now, and I am in California. If your around me, maybe I can get a big deal off of you. If I cant get a QT/HT ill just use my 10 gallon, put my huge aquaclear filter, and one of my powerheads from another tank.