How do you mix YOUR salt ?

keith gray

How many of you mix your salt and leave a powerhead in 24 hours or so before doing your waterchange ?
How many mix the salt and jst let it our ait for 24 hours and don't use a powerhead ?
How many of you just mix it cover it up and then use it ?
I do 5 gal water changes weekly and the containers I use are water juggs- you can fit put a powerhead into the lip of it....


i use a small rubbermaid container that holds 18 gallons but has rope handles and no lid. I fill it up with RO/DI, add the salt add a koralia#2 that I have left over from when it was in my tank before I upgraded. let it buck for a couple days. test the SG and PH and away it goes.


I use a 45 gallon rubbermaid trash can. I let my ro/di run till it's full then add a powerhead,heater and salt. I mix it slowly over the course of the day. Once the correct SG and temp are reached I vacuum the tanks and pump the new water in. Then I test the SG of the tanks. I also always top off with fresh ro/di before I think of water changes.


I use 2 rubbermaid trash cans, both 32 gallons. One with salt mixed in the other just r/o water. Saltwater can has a powerehead and the r/o has a pump and hose in it. I try to mix my water atleast a day in advance, usually longer though. when I first started though I used to mix it right before I did my water change and it always seemed fine. This way is much safer and easier though.


Active Member
I fill up multiple 5 gallon containers with RO/DI. Buffer and aerate that overnight. Then I mix in 5 cups of salt and let that sit over night and beyond. I use a high output air pump that mixes the water amazing well.


Active Member
I like to use a small plastic container I have premarked to add the exact right amount of salt, then I fill up my 5 gallon with water to yet another premarked spot and mix the salt up, then add a powerhead and heater and let it sit for 24 hours. My old powerhead I use for flow in the bucket is an old veteran of a couple other tanks before it got too loud to tolerate and if I pour the salt in the water it just stops running.


Active Member
I don't know why all the "tricks" but I just get RO water in a 5 gallon poland spring jug, put the required salt in let it sit with a heater shake a few times here and there then dump it in. I never had any problems. Maybe someone can enlighten me why all theses different steps are taken place.