How do you tell if a feather duster is dead?

yosemite sam

Active Member
I just came home today and it seems that one of my feather dusters may be dead. It hasn't come out all day. Is there anyway to tell if it's dead or not? I pulled on the stalk and the foot is still attached to the lr. Does this mean it's still alive? If it is dead, whats the best way to get it out since it's attached to the rock?


Active Member
My hawaiin feather duster has been closed for a couple days. I think it's cause we cleaned the skimmer really good and now microbubbles are dumping on it. I got worried so I just gave the tube a little tiny sqeeze. The worm kind of jumped in there so I know it's just hiding......dang microbubbles! anyway that's one way to make sure worm is alive and still in the tube.