How does a sump work?


Ok so i plan on making a sump pretty soon. Im going to get a quiet one 2200 from a smart pet store locally. The tank is about 4 1/2 feet higher than the bottom of my sump. I know the intake pipe is done by syphon, but i don't know how to start a syphon on it, and how to match the flow of the quiet one. I want a sump/refuge combo. Its going to be a 20 long since thats the biggest i can fit into my stand. My first section i thought could be my intake line and skimmer (future buy), second section could be my HOB filter and heater, Third would be my refuge (dsb, LR, Cheato), and then one more for the queit one return pump. Does this sound ok? Or could i do three sections and have my feed line, skimmer, filter and heater all in one section (Before the refuge so i don't filter out all my goodies there). I plan on making the baffles myself from acrylic. I want this to be really budget minded, but still effective.


wait, if i just make one sectin a compartment to add carbon, do i really even need the hob filter? I wouldn't think so, since all im really using it for is to move water and add carbon....
Oh and i forgot to add the reason i don't understand how to get the syphon working is becuase my tank isn't drilled so ill have to use pvc pipe over the top edge of the tank and down to the sump.


Active Member
there are a lot of different types of sumps and sump designs out there. it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish, what your tank goals are and what room you have. not to mention your budget. i built a sump refugium for my tank in my big upgrade thread, take a look to give you some ideas. as for the overflow, for under 50 bucks in PVC and supplies you can build durso or stockman type over flows, maybe others can chime on in this for you.