How does it look?


New Member
How does my nano hex look so far? I started it last week and I'm getting it cycled for about another 2 weeks or so.


Active Member
looks good, but are you gonna add any live rock in there? i think i see some sand in it. how many gallons?


New Member
theres sand at the bottom yes :) Live rock is comming really soon but not this week becuase of my working from fricken 5-9 tommarow, 6-11 on friday, and 2-5 on saturday, plus a family get together on sunday lol. So mst likely next weekend but it's not going to be a whole lot. But a week and like 5 days it's my 16th B-day so I'm going up to Petland and getting $200 worth of LR for my 2 tanks. Most likely get around 10lbs for my hex while the rest goes to my 55g.
The hex is a 20g. I got it at ***** for one hell of a bargain! Cherry wood stand and real cherry wood trim tank for $75.50!
I hope I can get lighting for it soon. These are my stocking plans.
2 clerkii clowns or what ever they are, the yellow one with the 3 stripes.. and a clean up crew of some red legs, a sally light foot, no shrimp, and some snails.


Active Member
yeah that would be fine, you could add probably around 2 more small fish. i think that will be a great tank. you could get a firefish or a goby something. just ask here first to be on the safe side. good luck!