How does one feed a snowflake eel?


Active Member
ok, sorta obliged to do the "you should research what you buy before you buy it" line
but, feed it meaty stuff, krill, fish (NOT freshwater fish) like salmon, clams, etc. just don't feed it your finger. you can use tongs or just drop it in the water.
question is, what are it's tankmates? it will eat small live fish as well if it gets a chance.
just feed it buy hand so it feels spoiled and doesnt feel the need to hunt its tankmates. u can use a tong to feed it meaty foods, shrimp, krill things like that.


Active Member
they r vorocious eaters. mine triple in size in one year. they r 90% blind and use their smell to hunt for food. i just drop a fozen cube of food in the water, and he normally would find it within a minute.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WeGonnaGroove
I just bought a snowflake eel and am wondering what and how I feed him
How big is your tank? What was the LFS feeding the SFE?
How big is he?


Active Member

Originally Posted by renogaw
ok, sorta obliged to do the "you should research what you buy before
you buy it" line....
ALWAYS research purchases before you buy. Is your eel compatible with tankmates? Is your tank ready for an eel (they like to climb out)? Do you have food (in this case seems the answer is "no")?
This goes for everyone, on every purchase.
Is this the same tank that a month ago you had:
A niger Trigger
percula clown
two donmino damsels
two blue damsels
A yellow tang
three four striped damsels
an anemone crab (that has co-habited my LTA)
a mandarin dragonet
a condy anemone that has attached
and a young colt coral
If so it seems that you realllly need to slow down and research purchases. You are headed down an ugly road. Your tank is overstocked with inappropriate and incompatible species.