how does this look for my tank. . .


Active Member
i am moving and in the prosess of upgrading from a 30 gallon- 55 gallon and putting the 30 gallon as a fuge in the stand that i made. i wanted to know that since i wat to have sps/clams/lps in my tank i need specific requirements to keep these beatiful corls alive and im aiming for thiving. now i dont have a drilled tank so i will have an hob overflow with a mag 7 pump. my question is that is that are these appliences ok for my future dreams. i have made a picture in paint im not sure if it will post. im hoping for also some
55 gallon supplies list

mh coralife/aqua actinic setup
75 pounds lr
2 powersweep power heads (400 gph each)
4" sandbed
30 gallon fuge

10 pounds baserock
mad 7 return pump(650 gph)
cpr overflow(650 gph)
2 heaters
kent marine aquadose with kalkwisser (2.5 gallon)
4 " sandbed
coralife night/day timer (8 slots and two dials)
american marine temp. sensor in fuge
im thinking of also a coralif supper skimmer but i dont know if its worth it.
could i have help with info about ideas or

any help
i was thinking of as inhabitants
flame angel
pair of percula clowns
and a watchman and a tiger pistol shrimp
2 pairs of cardinalfish (school)


I would ditch the powersweeps. I have 2 in my 58 right now and as soon as I added the rock and sand they quit sweeping. I know all I need to do is clean the gears, but its a problem Id rather not worry about. Im getting 2 maxi 900's tommorow.


sounds good too me, except why 2 heaters, i actually would suggest you to invest in a chiller, but i dont know how your weather is over in indiana, if its year round cold then i would say never mind


Active Member
You run 2 smaller powered heaters so in case 1 would stick it wouldn't boil the tank, instead of using 1 big heater and if it malfunctions then you have major issues