how does this look for sumpand fuge


kinda a rough draft of how i plan on placing my sump fuge and return. the sup will be a 66qt sterilite container and the fuge will be two 14Lx9.5wx12h containers linked together sitting on a shelf and the container the return pump is in is a sterilite waste basket. the reson for the waste basket is that my sump will have to be close to filled so i can hang my emporer and prizm on the front edge of it. i think ill put some kind of container in the sump for the line going in to empty into to act as a bubble trap and in the waste basket. the return pump wil lbe a mag 7 i believe and itll be lifted some i still need to play with the positions somewhat of everything. let me know how it looks and if yall have any suggestions. also is there any problem with running the return pump off a float switch incase the overflow should fail the float switch will cut the power


Active Member
Looks like an inventive way to run your tank.
I painted some water levels in the system to "see" better.
Two things jumped out at me.
1) Running the sump close to being full is okay - providing you allow enough room for draindown from the main tank upon loss of electrical power. Marked in dark blue the normal display tank water level.
Marked in red the draindown that may occur. If you drill the hole(s) in the returnline spraybar - you can minimize the amount of water that will siphon back down to the sump.
2) In the circle - I think you may want to give that "tee" some additional thought.
The tee that allows overflow tankwater to fall down to the sump, and still allow some of it to divert over to feed your dual fuges.
Much of the tankwater will fall right on past this tee. Unless you place a trap in this section, or replumb so it let's water run to both.
Placing a ball valve under the tee will allow you to create some backed up head - and will force water through that tee - BUT I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND doing this.
I avoid restricting the drainlines. Some folks will do it though.
Have you considered feeding the fuges from the return pump, and not from the overflow ??
I think your design will work well with a few minor tweeks.
I like the concept ;)


Active Member
Lose the tee on the drainline.
Add a tee in your return line going up to tank.
Place a ball valve on the branch of the tee leading to your dual fuges.
Feed the fuges the same way you planned to, and let them drain exactly as your drawing.
You'll be able to control the flowrate through the fuges with that ball valve.
There's many ways to do it and most work fine. Up to you ;)