How does this sound for lighting?


Hello I was reading up above and I was wondering can ya'll give me some suggestions for my tank. I have a 90 gallon with LS and i was going to start off with fish and slowly introduce coral sooner or later please help. I would like an all around lighting setup for various purposes.!!!! :D


Oops-i lied...I do have some more questions. How far off the surface of the water do you all have your bulbs? The reason that I ask is I want to have enough room to get my hand in the tank but I also don't want to build my hood so tall that the light diminishes a lot. Thanks again! David


Instail the fan in your hood... there not that expensive ( radio shack, etc) and you will still be putting out a lot of heat in a small little area. The fan will also help cut down on evaporation by not having all that hot air sitting in the hood.
Also if you wanted to go with all power compacts I have a few sites with great prices... cheaper then VHO units... just email me at


Thanks- I think that I am going to install the fan. As for the power compacts, I like them too but I really think that VHO is best for me in the long run. Besides, I already ordered the kit. But thanks for the offer, all of you that gave me sites and advice: thanks a lot, they saved me a lot of hassle and money! -David
Good luck David :D
Hope that it comes out nice. Be sure to take ots of pics ;) What kind of bulbs did you get?? I think my bulbs are 3-4" above water but you could prob. go a lil' higher.


I haven't order them yet--thinking about going with one 50/50, one actinic, and one 10,000K (All URI). What do you think?


David, I just sent you a price for 4 VHO bulbs w/ retro-fit kit and reflector of $245.
Check it out and tell me what you thnk.


Devante- Thanks for the link, that is the retro kit that i was going to go with but it is a little too big, so I am going with their 3 bulb ballast kit for 135. Good to know that the ballast works well; makes me feel like i made the right decision :)