How does this sound


Active Member
How does this sound for a 29g reef with 40lbs. of carribean Lr?
- Tomato Clown
- SailfinBlenny $ 13.99
- Neon Blue Goby $18.99
- Yellowhead Jawfish $18.99
- Cleaner Common Wrasse $9.99
- Fridmani Pseudochromis $26.99
Clean up crew
- Astraea Turbo Snail $0.90 x 5 = $4.50
- Cerith Snail $1.20 x 5 = $6.00
- Nassarius Snail $1.20 x 5 = $6.00
- Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab $2.50 x 5 = $12.50
- Peppermint Shrimp $3.50 x 2 = $7.00
- Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp $15.99 x 2 = $31.98


:notsure: Why the cleaner wrasse? They need large tankmates to service and have a poor survival record in captivity. The cleaner shrimp will do just as well and are much hardier. I would get a pair of tomato clowns. Need very good algae growth for salarias fasciatus (? sailfin blenny) or it will starve. Mine is in a 8 month old 180g mixed reef tank and doing well.
How old is this tank and what filtration type/s?:happyfish


Active Member
Ok ill minus the wrass and the sailfin and get a sixline wrasse and another tomato. my tank has been set up since december i have a magnum filter a powerhead and a skimmer and a bio wheel.


actually marineman, youre confusing a sailfin blenny with a lawnmower blenny. sailfin blennyes are carnivorous, mine eats like a pig, so asbury... get a sailfin blenny, they are real cool:)


ok royalshrimp your right , but a common name is often confusing in that it is used for more than one type of fish. That's why I put the ? and proper name next to it. so are we really talking about a emblemaria pandionis? I have often seen a lawnmower blenny called a sailfin algae eating blenny.


i just look at the mouth actually. the sailfin blenny has a pointed snout, while the lawnmower blenny has a round mouth. and LFS will give any name they want... :) good night:)


Yeah a bit too many fish for your size tank. You might want to scratch 2 or 3 from that list.
General rule=1" of fish for every 5 gallons!