How does this sound?

king triton

New Member
Has anyone had luck with CONDI PURPLE Anemones? I'll also get pair of PERCULA clowns.
Anyone see a problem here? I don't know.. that's why I'm asking. I hear they are a great combo.
The condi's are pretty hardy and easy to maintain. As far as them with the percula clowns, I dont think that they will take to it. The condi is from the atlantic part of the ocean like Florida or the bahamas, And the Clowns are from the Pacific ocean, So they dont recognize the anemone, But stranger things have happened and You never know. Good luck.


Active Member
bubble tips tend to do pretty good with clowns, and they are one of the hardier anemones. sebea anemones will also work, but they are very hard to maintain. bo


Something that has been forgotten. Are the clowns tank raised? If they are then chances are they have never seen one and might not bond with any or might bond with any. Always a chance.


alot of clowns tend to take better to sebaes. but since you are new i was curios about what lighting you have? also i hope you know that from what ive read, never attempted to have one for this reason, anemones can be difficult to take care of. though i think they are very beautiful, and i think i know pretty well what im doing, i will leave them in the wild till i know i can meet an anemones needs. just a thought, but best of luck if you do get one.


i just read your little signature that says "im new at this...". not to be a party pooper but i think anemones are something more for an experienced hobbyist. but its not my tank, not my $, and not my anemone. so you do what you wanna do, just tryin to help out.

king triton

New Member
See... That is what is great about this forum. I am new at this and need the feedback. If it is the opinion that I wait until I get more experience under the belt, I'm cool with that. I want what is best for the fish. I'm not into making fish suffer or throwing money away. I just heard that some anemones are very hardy and might thrive in a beginner tank. BUT>> you guys know way more than me about this stuff.
Keep the good advise comen'