How does this sound?


Just wanted to run my list of inhabitants by you guys and make sure that everything is sound in my tank. It is a 55 gallon reef with about 50 pounds live rock and 30 pounds soon to be live.
-1 Midas Blenny
-1 Sailfin Tang (small)
-2 Domino Damsels
-3 Engineer Gobies
-1 Emperor 400 (no carbon)
-1 Sea Clone Skimmer (works great)
Just wanted to make sure that this is not overdoing it. Not planning on buying anymore.
Thanks for the help as always, David.
Predator, email me about the frags:


Active Member
Well the sailfin is going to get too big for a 55, 3 engineer gobies will cause problems, best to keep one per tank, and the domino damsels can become very aggressive and teritorial. The midas is cool ;) Why would you take the carbon out of your 400? I would rather have the carbon and floss than the bio wheel. Other than those things it sounds good to me :D HTH


The Emperor does have floss in it, just no carbon because of the possibility of removing good minerals. Yeah I know that the sailfin will get too big, he's going to be traded in soon though. As for the Domino Damsels, they stay in the bubble tip and the Midas Blenny always holds his own (he is much more aggressive than they are). I've always heard that it is best to keep engineer's in groups (Maybe I'm wrong), but they are pretty harmless so far as I can tell. Is there something that I don't know about them? Thanks for the advice - David


Active Member
I have kept engineers for a few years now, and have never got more than one to get along once they reach maturity, 10+". The most dominant will usually kill the others, unless your lucky enough to end up with a mated pair. Blennys do tend to be aggresive, and if your dominoes stay in their host thats cool ;) Carbon removes just as many bad elements as good, if not more, just like a protien skimmer, and IMO the good aspects of AC far outweigh the bad, but there are those that dont use any. I would also use AC over floss, floss tends to trap wastes which then rot until it is removed or cleaned. Sounds like you have everything under control ;)