How fast will my Lion eat my shrimp


New Member
So, some guys from the fish store are currently ordering a fuzzy dwarf lion for me.
i have a cleaner shrimp (the red/white one). he is about 1-2 inches long.
i was just wondering how long i can expect my shrimp to live for...i plan on getting the smallest lion that i can, so that my shrimp has time to grow a little. also, hermit crabs, snails, starfish, sea hares...will he eat those?
obviously every fish is different, it might not eat them. but just speaking out of experience, should i say good by to my shrimp now?


Active Member
The shrimp is likely to get eaten. Just depends on the "mouth to shrimp ratio". The other inverts should be safe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
The shrimp is likely to get eaten. Just depends on the "mouth to shrimp ratio". The other inverts should be safe.
I agree; a lion will usually eat anything it can swallow whole, and it amazes me just how big that can be. But, I know some of the dwarfs never bother anything after being "weaned". Others are like pythons. You're missing a fish you thought was safe, see the lions huge gut; then he just sits and digests for a while. My kind of life!
I doubt your lion would eat the shrimp. If you got it when It was maybe 2 inches I would say you would be fine for life. IMO a fuzzy under 5 inches wouldn't touch a 2'' shrimp. And honestly would you rather have a lame shrimp are a kick ass lionfish?...Just sayin'


Active Member
IMO/IME it's only a matter of time. Given the price of cleaner shrimp, I'd at least attempt a store credit as opposed to makng it a snack.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
IMO/IME it's only a matter of time. Given the price of cleaner shrimp, I'd at least attempt a store credit as opposed to makng it a snack.
Of course its just a matter of time. Lions are predators (not"aggressive"); they grow quickly and feed on small inverts. There are always exceptions, there are exceptions to everything in this hobby; but this fish can easily reach 6-7" and to expect it to ignore a 1-2" shrimp is, IMO, a bit much.


Active Member
as soon as the lion can fit the shrimp in its mouth (you'd be amazed at the size of prey even a baby lionfish can fit in its mouth), you can expect the shrimps lifespan to be untill the lion gets hungry, and sees the shrimp.