how fast?


how fast should my LMB be breathing, it looks like he is breathing to fast to me like about four or five times a secant. what would cause this, he is the only fish i have and is eating to
ph- 8.1
salinity - 1.023
To be honest......that dont ound too good. Mine dose the flappy gill thing...i cant remember what thats called all i know is its not i have been told. Anyhow, Mine dose that about once every 4 seconds. Do you have any algie in your tank??? from what i know theyare very hard to get ween into any other type of food other than the algie in your tank. How big is your tank??? how long have you had it???


my tank has been up for about four months and is a 75g and i see him eating and he will eat some food that i put in the tank also. i have lots of alge in there


i have plenty of oxygen in the tank i think becuase i have a sump and a protien skimmer for up to 250g. i am getting good flow to but not the best i think around 600 gph right now but will increse these in the future befor i go full reef. i dont know what is wrong with him how long would it take a bug or paristie to kill him if it was in his gills because he has been like this for about two weeks now. i have been told that it may not be a bug or anything but i thought i saw one of them bugs that will eat at a fish in my sump it did not look the same as a pod kinda ovel shaped and was swimming really fast but i only saw it one time and that was it, could it be in my fish now?