How I raised my tank stand


This is what I did to raise the stand from 28in to 36 in.I will be adding a foam board between the top plywood and the 2x4.On the side view,do you think I will to add a short piece of 2x4 for the sup
port or will it be ok?


are you going to be putting wood around the stand? that add on piece would make a great spot for drawers and looks plenty sturdy enough


I will be adding a face frame to it.Need to plan it out.The bottom piece of plywood has "cleats" attached to it so that it will not move front to back or side to side.I may need to cut a hole into the lower ply so that I will have room for a skimmer.It seems all the skimmers are 24in tall.Oh this is a stand for a 135g. Thanks



I can't seem to post the other pic.Check this out and tell me if you think I should add some 2x4 on the width side.


hahaha i was going to ask that, i would and then put one little support pice on eather end so that the screws are not supporting the weight if there is going to be any