How In The Heck Do You Get Rid Of This!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a bubble alge epademic happenening and I can not stop it. I bought 2 emeralds and they seem to not be able to keep up. What can I do. Its every where. Also the really bad thing is the tank is almost a year old and there is no alge anywhere except this. I have some nice red macro..but thats it. I keep the tank very well maintained but can not beat this yet. What now????


Try to remove as much as you can without popping any of the bubbles. If its really bad you might need to remove each rock and take off any you can see.


Do you have any fish in your tank b/c when ever we get some of that out Naso and our sailfin go crazy over that stuff eat it all so...


Active Member
I had a real bad case (50% covered of 280lbs) of the GB algae. I bought 3 emerald and they went to town on it.
How long have the emeralds been in the tank? It does take a little time for them to catch up. Depending on how big your outbreak is, 3 may not get you there? :thinking:
The upside, your emeralds will not starve.
I will pop one from time to time so it will spread. This keeps a good food source for the emeralds.


Active Member
They only eat the small bubbles the emerald crabs but they are pretty hard to battle with yeah I would say the best way is manually remove them rock by rock I don't plan to do that until I upgrade to larger tank.