How is ich transferred?


Just a (probably) silly question...I wondered if ich can be transferred through the filter media? I'm setting up a HT and I thought I'd use the already aged bio wheel from my main tank to set up the cycle on the HT...when I transfer it back to the main tank, is there any risk of bringing anything bad with it? ( ich, copper )?? Thanks for any responses here! :) :)


New Member
My marine setup had ich about a year ago now & to tell you the truth I'm still nervous about it. As it was a reef tank I couldn't use copper to take care of the problem. I was told once you use copper to treat a tank you can never make it back into a marine set up either. It took a little longer to treat the tank but I used Stop Parasite and it finally did the trick. I still to this day, put a drop in the plastic bag when I buy a new addition & let them set in it before I put them into the tank. I swear I got it originally from a fish from *****...Haven't shopped their since...hope this helps some.


Thanks Terry but I didn't ask you how I got the ich in the first place. I'm well aware. I asked if the parasites can be transferred through the biowheel if I put it back on my main tank after use in the HT.


I'm trying to ask someone..." If the tank is NOT fishless for 30 days " ( it's a HT being used to treat ich )when the fish go back in the main tank AFTER it safe to transfer the biowheel back along with them? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />