Just wondering how is my bioload in my 3 month old 47g tall tank.
2- Clowns 2" and 1"
1- Damsel-4 stripe 1"
1- Lawnmower Blennie 3"
10- Small hermits .5"
1- Large Hermit 2+"
3- Snails
3- Emerald Crabs
1- Peppermint Shrimp
1- Green Star Polyp
Originally Posted by reefreak29
looks good whats your filtration?
Whoops...sorry, I should of included that.
EHEIM canister- 145 gph
3 power jets- 650+ gph
40 lbs of living sand
40 lbs. of living rock
Originally Posted by Marka1620
Whoops...sorry, I should of included that.
EHEIM canister- 145 gph
3 power jets- 650+ gph
40 lbs of living sand
40 lbs. of living rock
Thanks...wanted to make sure I wasnt on the overload line. I might pick up 1 more fish and perhaps another peppermint.
I'm assuming I'll have rid the tank of the damsel when he gets bigger. I'm hoping he will surprise me and behave in his old age. Not looking forward to catching him.
I do not think you should get anymore fish until you get more live rock.
And IMO you stocked as of now. But i think if you add more rock you could add a small fish.