How is this fish list for a possible tank

fish fry

How would this list be for a FOWLR tank in the 80-110 gallon range. I'm looking for something around 4 feet in lenght and between 18-30 inches high and wide. I'm still in the design stages so feel free to tear my idea to shreds. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
1-2 Dwarf angels - I know they usually don't mix but I'm hoping the tank would be large enough for two if not, no big deal. Choices would be a Bi-color, Flame or Coral Beauty.
Percula Clown
Long Nose Hawk - I'm undecided on him since I might keep shrimp in the tank.
Blennies - Either a Scooter or Bicolor
Banggai Cardinal
Possible a Blk Cap Basslet and a Neon Goby
8-10 fish, shouldn't be more then 25 inches in total lenght. By the time the tank is fully stocked there would be a sump on it.
Any replacement idea's or compatibility issues I should be concerened about?
Problems with hardiness?
I've heard jawfish/basslets/blennies don't get along with other fish that look similar...true?


sounds good,but the black cap will probably pick on the jawfish because they are both cave dwellers,pick one or the oth,if I were you I would get 2 or 3 yellow head jawfish,they are cool in a small group,they steal each others shells,funny little fish.