How Long Are Your Lights On


I was just wondering how long everybody keeps their lights on.
If you can tell me what you use and how long you keep them on during the day I would really appreciate it.
I have a reef tank with some soft corals. I just purchased a new light the old one burnt out. Outer Orbit HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Fixture 342 watt: 1-150 watt HQI; 2-96 watt CF. It is on a 65 gallon custom made tank I think the dimensions are 4x3x3 not sure on that


most of these animals come from lattitudes where they receive 12 and 12. this is probably how they should be kept.


Originally Posted by MN1467
so you mean 12hrs of daylight and 12 of the lunar lights
exactly. but it doesn't need to be 8am to 8pm etc. set it to your convenience.

tx reef

Active Member
12:00 PM(Noon) - 2-110 watt VHO actinics turn on.
1:00 PM - 2-175 watt Metal Halides turn on.
9:00 PM - 2-175 watt Metal Halides turn off.
10:00 PM - 2-110 watt VHO actinics turn off.


Active Member
Not to hijack the thread but I have PC with 2 65 watt. Actincs and white with lunars. What should iset them at.


I have a 150w MH on my 25gallon. The lights come on at 2:30pm and stay on til 11:30pm. Then I have moons light on until 7am.


10am 2-Actinics on
12noon 1- T5 10k on
2pm 2- T5 10k on
7pm 2- T5 10k off
8pm 1- T5 10k off
9pm 2- Actinics off
9pm moon lights on


How long are you leaving the moon lights on? Right now I have mine set to come on 30 mins after the tank lights go off. They stay on for only 5 hrs. I have my tank lights set to turn on at 3:00pm and off at 10:30pm.


Originally Posted by kiharaconn
How long are you leaving the moon lights on? Right now I have mine set to come on 30 mins after the tank lights go off. They stay on for only 5 hrs. I have my tank lights set to turn on at 3:00pm and off at 10:30pm.
Mine stay on till the Actinics come on in the AM


260w power compact. 75 gal tank. Lights on 1 pm. Off at 9 pm. Moonlights run when tank lights are out.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i have 130watt pc's on from 6-7 a.m., and then later 3 p.m.-11 p.m. on my ten, and my eel gets flourescents same time.


Active Member
until i get a better timer: 615am to bout 7pm (so i can see them before and after work) daylight/actinic, rest of the time is moonlights and fuge light.


9 am-white leds come on
3 pm 150w MH comes on
11 pm 150w MH turns off
2 am-white leds go off
blue leds are on 24/7