How long befor I can .........


How long does a tank need to be running with good levels befor you can add a Bubble Tip Anemone? Is a Bubble Tip Anemone a good choice for a starter? I have a 60g tank its done its cycle have about 30lbs of lr (still curing 16lbs) 2 fluvals a 104 & 304 with bio media a carbon to make up for the lack of lr for now, 260wats of pc lighting. I will put in a sump/fug when I can. No fish yet have 4 crabs 2 turbos 1 clam, ordered yellow tang & 2 Percula Clown :jumping: cant wait be here in a week maybe tomorow :joy: . I was told at least 6 months befor adding a Bubble Tip Anemone, or any anemone. How long do I need to wait is the big question? Oh yea what & how do you feed em'?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HiFi
How long does a tank need to be running with good levels befor you can add a Bubble Tip Anemone? Is a Bubble Tip Anemone a good choice for a starter? I have a 60g tank its done its cycle have about 30lbs of lr (still curing 16lbs) 2 fluvals a 104 & 304 with bio media a carbon to make up for the lack of lr for now, 260wats of pc lighting. I will put in a sump/fug when I can. No fish yet have 4 crabs 2 turbos 1 clam, ordered yellow tang & 2 Percula Clown :jumping: cant wait be here in a week maybe tomorow :joy: . I was told at least 6 months befor adding a Bubble Tip Anemone, or any anemone. How long do I need to wait is the big question? Oh yea what & how do you feed em'?
Thomas is the BTA expert, and I do not really know much about anemones, but from everything I read here 6 months sounds right, but its really not about time as much as lighting! And I am not sure that you can support an anemone with PC's! Thomas will be the best to lead you in this one... Hopefully he will jump in and tell ya for sure!!!!! But from everything I have read you don't have enough lighting..... I COULD BE WRONG!!!!


I have know pc lighting is good but may not be enough for a BTA, but at my lfs they have a display tank 35g with lr clowns & a BTA its under normal lighting not even pc just a 50/50 & a actinic & its doing fine. Tanks been there for a long time thats why I thought a BTA will do good with pc's. I don't want to buy a BTA to watch it dye so thats why I want to be sure everything is perfect for it & why Im asking questions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HiFi
I have know pc lighting is good but may not be enough for a BTA, but at my lfs they have a display tank 35g with lr clowns & a BTA its under normal lighting not even pc just a 50/50 & a actinic & its doing fine. Tanks been there for a long time thats why I thought a BTA will do good with pc's. I don't want to buy a BTA to watch it dye so thats why I want to be sure everything is perfect for it & why Im asking questions.
Heres what you do Repost this thread and write BTA in the title and Thomas will jump in and check it out and GUIDE you .... he has raised them for 5 years!!! SO HE KNOWS!!!!


Greetings HiFi from Saskatchewan, Canada, I gotta ask are you related to any Canadian families by the name of Hunter or Thompson around that area?
About your thoughts about getting a BTA. It is wise to wait for approximately 6 months so that your newly cycled tank can mature and become stable. Many tanks will go through a diatom phase early on and many can have other algae problems in the beginning. Mostly what you want is for the tank to mature and for you to become familiar with what your tank does with regards to water chemistry. This means you should have stable parameters in Calcium, alkalinity, pH as well as the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
These are photosynthetic animals and usually the better lighting you can get the better the health of the animal will be. VHO and PC lighting will work for a Bubble tip anemone just fine however there are some general guidlines. Usually it is recommended not to go below 220 watts, and sometimes there is even a rule of thumb, but its not a very good one, to have at least 4 watts per gallon. This would mean that a 60 gallon tank would have a minimum lighting requirement of 240 watts PC or VHO. You should also have about 60 to 100 pounds of live rock. Try to arrange your rock so that the BTA will have room to climb up if it decides that it needs more light. Personally I did very well with 360 watts of VHO lighting on a 55 gallon and then the 90 gallon. I did upgrade lighting to 940 watts of VHO/MH.
BTA is a great choice for anyone especially a beginner. They host the most amount of species of clown fish, and are considered one of the hardier breeds of the hosting anemones. But they love light. Another word on that lighting and you choices here. If you went with the minimum suggestion then you may have minimal results, better to have more lighting and have them thrive. Thats the difference between surviving and thriving, more lighting. Plan well.
I re read and see that you have 260 watts of lights, this should do fine, but remember the rocks, arrange them so that it can climb about 2/3 of the way up the water column if it wants to get at more light.
i like the idea of putting in the sump and perhaps replacing those canister filters. For now just keep the mainanence up on those canisters so that they do not cause nitrates.
Anything else I can help you with just let me know.


Thanks Thomas712 for the info, it took care of all my questions. I think that if I have to wait at least 6mo befor getting a BTA than I could budget for VHO/MH & have the sump system running & staybil. I have a 10gal tank & Im going to turn it into a sump/fug & just use 1 canister for cleaning the tank with carbon filters every now & then. As for the rock I do intend to get way more, its just at $10 a lb its going to be slow going. When I do something it has to be done right, & thats what I intend to do, & with access to the knowlage that can be found in here from people who have done it & know how to (like yourself) it can be done right the first time


Active Member
Originally Posted by HiFi
Done, & thanks for the help Jerth6932! :joy:
Sorry I couldn't help more.... but I am glad that Thomas found it for you!!!


I forgot about your first question, I know someone named Bill Hunter, as for Thompson I think my dad my know someone by that name, I would have to ask.


HiFi ~ Whoa! 10$ per pound, thats expensive for live rock. Perhaps I could suggest your getting a hold of some base rock instead. Here in the states its only about $1.00 per pound, as long as you already have some live rock then you should have plenty for seeding the base rock that you put in. Take a look around your area or perhaps you might be able to order some base rock on line. Just look for some that is calcium carbonate based.
No biggie if your not related to Hunters or Thompsons, its my wifes side and I happen to be heavy into genealogy, her father was born or at least grew up in Regina.


Yea $10 is lots there is a lfs that sells it for $15, & the main lfs is not getting anymore to sell, it stinks up there store when its curing, so now there are 2 choices $10 or $15 they gut that sells it for $10 is a nut, nice guy but a bit loopy if you know what I mean.
Base rock is what I was thinking about, how long to seed them?
& I do know a Thompson ,no relation, he was a instructor of mine at Kelsy/Siast nice guy not sure where hes from. Thanks for the help & the base rock is somthing to think about.