Greetings HiFi from Saskatchewan, Canada, I gotta ask are you related to any Canadian families by the name of Hunter or Thompson around that area?
About your thoughts about getting a BTA. It is wise to wait for approximately 6 months so that your newly cycled tank can mature and become stable. Many tanks will go through a diatom phase early on and many can have other algae problems in the beginning. Mostly what you want is for the tank to mature and for you to become familiar with what your tank does with regards to water chemistry. This means you should have stable parameters in Calcium, alkalinity, pH as well as the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
These are photosynthetic animals and usually the better lighting you can get the better the health of the animal will be. VHO and PC lighting will work for a Bubble tip anemone just fine however there are some general guidlines. Usually it is recommended not to go below 220 watts, and sometimes there is even a rule of thumb, but its not a very good one, to have at least 4 watts per gallon. This would mean that a 60 gallon tank would have a minimum lighting requirement of 240 watts PC or VHO. You should also have about 60 to 100 pounds of live rock. Try to arrange your rock so that the BTA will have room to climb up if it decides that it needs more light. Personally I did very well with 360 watts of VHO lighting on a 55 gallon and then the 90 gallon. I did upgrade lighting to 940 watts of VHO/MH.
BTA is a great choice for anyone especially a beginner. They host the most amount of species of clown fish, and are considered one of the hardier breeds of the hosting anemones. But they love light. Another word on that lighting and you choices here. If you went with the minimum suggestion then you may have minimal results, better to have more lighting and have them thrive. Thats the difference between surviving and thriving, more lighting. Plan well.
I re read and see that you have 260 watts of lights, this should do fine, but remember the rocks, arrange them so that it can climb about 2/3 of the way up the water column if it wants to get at more light.
i like the idea of putting in the sump and perhaps replacing those canister filters. For now just keep the mainanence up on those canisters so that they do not cause nitrates.
Anything else I can help you with just let me know.