How long before the water is safe?


I just QT'd 2 fish for ick and plan to do Hypo on them and keep them there for at least 4 weeks. As long as I do normal partial water changes bi-monthly, how long before the water in my display tank is safe before adding new fish? Also, I'm assuming I can still add new inverts and coral to the display tank as they are not affected by ick, correct?


Staff member
If you follow the hyposalinity directions posted in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, by the time your fish are ready to go back home, so will your display be ready to receive them.


Not great, so long as you DO allow the show tank to go fallow for 6 weeks (no fish, keep healthy), and keep the affected fish (or not - all fish from the ST should go into QT during this time) in the proper hypo treatment for the proper amount of time. Also, make sure you QT any new fish prior to adding to your new tank... I know, it gets HARD cuz we tend to get excited about a new fish... BUT! Now that you've done this, you know it's worth it!


does the ick just die out without a host? What would happen if you kept just one single fish with ick in the show tank for six weeks? Wouldn't it just go away like a cold does eventually considering if the fish is hardy enough to survive it? Just curious....seems like it would despite people's most common reaction.


Staff member
Originally Posted by drea
nice.... so what are the chances of ick coming back after the 6 weeks is up?

If you followed the hyposalinity instructions posted in the FAQ Thread, then there is 99.9% chance that it will not come back....unless you reintroduce infected fish.


Active Member
dam, i love you, lol, you just made me so happy.. i'm gonna make sure the ick is gone, then qt all fish and inverts, i'm crazy now, but my fish are currently in great shape! i just don't want to go through w. this again! :cheer: