How long can fish stay alive....


Active Member
I think the answer to that one depends on the fish. Some species must graze contually throughout the day or should ideally be fed twice or three times a day, where others can go a day or two between feedings on a regular basis. So I would say weeks to months for any given fish to starve to death, but just my layman opinion.
Same goes for lifespan, some fish can live for 10 years or more in a good environment.


Active Member
I agree with the above that it depends on what fish and it also depends on the maturity of the tank. In a very mature tank where natural food is available I would think a week or better... but I would have a hard time going over 4 days personally. In a new tank I wouldn't go over a few days. I'm not saying they would starve and die in this time frame but for them to remain healthy.