How long can I leave silversides in tank?


When I feed my lions frozen silversides, etc., I usually put an extra one in for the lobster, crabs, and shrimps. They'll tear it up at first and then an hour later it's sitting half eaten on the sand so I remove it from the tank. I'm almost positive if I were to leave it there something would eventually grab it. So my question is: how long is it safe to leave one of these dead half eaten fishies on the bottom?
I have 2 emerald crabs, 1 sally lightfoot crab, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 purple reef lobster and about 8 blue hermit crabs. I've personally seen everyone of the above named inverts eating on a silverside before.


Active Member
Actually, you should remove all un eaten food regularly...waiting an hour or so as you do is fine for slower moveing critters, but either remove it if not eaten soon, or skip the "extra" silverside every other feediong..
Or better feed the lobster if you feel the need, and let the scavaging "clean up crew" do their job and clean up any excess/scraps/waste without without spot feding or supplementing them...
There's plenty for them to scavange with out the excess your adding...


Thanks for the reply Squidd, guess I'll be removing the fishies for sure after feeding time is over.