How Long Can Kalkwasser Sit For????


I mix a batch of kalkwasser and i just check my calcium levels and they where at 460 and i think it will take a couple of days to get the levels down a little (440-420). so can the mix just sit in the jug for that time and still be worth a damn or can i just shake it back up and use it when im ready?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
I mix a batch of kalkwasser and i just check my calcium levels and they where at 460 and i think it will take a couple of days to get the levels down a little (440-420). so can the mix just sit in the jug for that time and still be worth a damn or can i just shake it back up and use it when im ready?
It can sit and it will be fine,don't shake it up though when you go to use it just stirs up all the impurities that have settled.the water will probably have a thin film on the top ,that is normal.