How long can you QT??


My tank has just finished cycling and I am ready to start populating my tank. I was at my LFS today and he had a 2inch sailfin tang and a 2 1/2 inch Kole tang. Now before you start to flame me let me finish.

I have a 29 gal tank that I filled with 50 lbs of liverock from my 55 gal tank (which is now my refuge for my 165 that just finished cycling). The 29 gal has a Maroon clown in it right know. It will be moved to my display tank. The 29 gal has been up for over 2 months while I have been setting up my new tank. It has good coralline on the glass. My question is could these two tangs make it for a month or two in an established 29 gal while my larger tank was maturing?
I have heard that you should Qt for 4 to 6 weeks, this is why I was thinking that it might work.
Thanks for your advise.

mandarin w

If the tangs are that small, and you have places for the tangs to hide to get away from each other. and this is just for "quarenteen" I would think they should be ok. But you don't need to quarenteen for that long. I normally just QT for two to three weeks.
Then let them have to run of the 165.
Also if the 165 has totally finished its cycle. and the clean up crew has been working it, You should be ready to add the tangs in a couple weeks.


After reading some from this forum about the kole tang, I have decide to wait on getting one until I have good algea growth on my live rock. I still plan on getting the sailfin so any comments on the subject would be appreciated.
Also I plan on getting one or two neon gobies to (hopefully) serve as cleaner fish. Would it be beneficial to the sailfin to get them and add them to the 29gal tank together.