how long could it survive


how long could a gold fish servive in salt water for ?:confused: whats the difernce betwen normal fish and saltwater ?


Active Member
i used to use FW feeders for my frogspawn and it survived about 30 at the most. it was weird started deteriorating. usually i just put the fish in the coral but it got away.


Active Member

Originally posted by calem
how long could a gold fish survive in salt water for ?:confused: whats the difference between normal fish and saltwater ?

The difference as it was explained to me is this...the ability of the animals cell structure to preform osmotic regulation...
Fish need a "certain" amount of salt in there bodies to function (electrochemical balance)
Fresh water fish retain salt (or they would "wash-out" from all the fresh water) and when placed in saltwater they "overload" on salt because they cannot expel it...
Saltwater fish expel salt (or they would become overloaded from all the saltwater) and when placed in fresh water they "washout" because they cannot retain it...
Some fish are setup to "regulate" the amount of salt in there system and can survive in rapidly changing salinities, such as ghost shrimp, mollies and and anything living in an "estuary" bay where the incoming tide and river outflow change salinity on a daily basis.
Oh, and gold fish life expectancy is approximately 27.5 seconds in my Lionfish tank...