How long did it take your fish....


How long did your clownfish take before they "took" to your bubble tip anemone? I know they see him and he's been in the tank for around two weeks now.


Active Member
less than a day. But my clown is a wild-caught clown. Many clowns out there are raised and have never even seen an anemone. Many of those clowns will never take to one.


well that's not encouraging. My main interest from the start of this hobby was to have clowns in an anemone.
It took them two days, the first three shared it during night time when lights out. During the day, only the biggest of the six that I have now stay close to it.
I do have some fighting going on, just their way of establishing the pecking order I guess...
They all look healthy, no injury to report...
i have a false perc that lives in a giant ricordia. it took him about a month to take to it. i don't think i'll ever get him away from it now. too bad because i really want to get rid of the ricordia. oh well, i guess it stays for now.