How long did you (honest answers please) to get your first invert/coral?


You mean, after the cycle, right? I waited a month before inverts.. but I'm going to wait about 5 months before adding corals.


Waited about 1 month to add inverts and about 2 months to add corals. I know I broke the "recommended rule" of six months for any coral additions but I've always been somewhat of a rebel. I started off with mushrooms/polyps and now (6 months later) have hammer, blastumussa, brains, 2 small clams, flower pot, 3 diferrent bubble corals, 1 acropora, etc.... So far the only thing that's been unsuccesful has been a brain which was damaged during shipping(couldn't save it) and 2 fish which were killed by a bristle starfish.

kris walker

Active Member
I waited about a month after cycle for mushrooms. Then waited another month after that for xenia. Then another 2 months after that before other corals (plate, brain, etc).
I had inverts from the beginning (right after cycle).


i waited about a month and then got corals. i cant have inverts such as shrimps or hermits cause of my snowflake eel. they last about 10 min. ive got 2 catseyes, 1 green finger, 1 pearl bubble, 1 fox, 1 sun, hairy mushroom, 1 deresa clam.

finger leather

I waited 2-6 months before adding any coral/ invert to the tank.
two damsels from day one, two weeks later 8 blue leg hermits and one lobster. then about one week ago, anthelia I THINK!!!!!! FROM MY NEIGHBOR. Everything doing well and readings in my tank are perfect.


I only waited three weeks before addine some mushrooms and star polips(?). But my tank cycled in two weeks.


Perhaps a better question is...
How long did you have to wait until the inverts/corals that you added survived?


Does live rock count??? I waited 6 years before I added that to one of my tanks. The corals/inverts on that are all that I've kept. Oh and I bought 3 snails too. Since then a bought 1 invert--a blue starfish which died in about 3 months. I have been waiting till I was more "experienced". Almost 12 years now and I'm still waiting.
I do want a reef though, soon I'll be brave enough to quit reading and start doing. :D
I'm getting there--thinking about the dsb switch.


right after the tank cycled i started putting in snails and hermits to combat the algea that was sure to grow, next thing is was a green star. I love those things, but man mine have gotten big!!!!


I added my first coral about 2.5 months after the cycle. They were mushrooms. (still alive and splitting) Then every 3 weeks to a month I added another. I have only lost elegance coral, due to god knows what at this point.


Active Member
I started with a FO tank. A few months later I added LR making it a FOWLR. And a few months later I added some greem polyps and shrooms so time between cycle and first was about 8-9 months.