how long do fish have to be in QT?

violet puff

New Member
I have had my pork puffer in a 10 gallon QT for over a month and hes getting really ansy. There were 2 cromis that were still in the DT, about 3 weeks ago because I couldn't catch them and eventually had to take out everything, all the huge LR, just to get them. My question is, do any of the moderators think its been long enough? I think I would like to put him back in the DT because also I am having trouble regulating temp in the 10 gallon. Thanks!!


Active Member
Were you treating the fish for something in the Q tank or just observing it? If the fish is healthy and any treatment you were performing is complete, then the fish can likely be plced back in the main tank. Give a bit more backround as to why the fish was in QT and what you did with it. This might put a twist on things.


Staff member
Yes, you have to tell us more were you dealing with a fish disease, and, if so, when, how are you treating, etc.

violet puff

New Member
Oh, i'm sorry that was silly of me! It was an ich treatment. I hypo for the first few weeks untill it cleared up and have done regular water changes in the DT.


Active Member
The display tank should be fallow for 6 weeks or you run the risk of reinfecting your ich free fish when you put them back into the display.
The large 31 gallon rubbermaid tubs from Loews make great temporary tanks for a few weeks for about 11 dollars. Lesley


Originally Posted by violet puff
Oh, i'm sorry that was silly of me! It was an ich treatment. I hypo for the first few weeks untill it cleared up and have done regular water changes in the DT.
What do you mean it "cleared up" The tank needs to be fishless for at least 6 weeks.