How long do fish live


I know that there are a million different parameters here, but I have never seen, heard or read anywhere a good rule of thumb for how long marine fish live in captivity. My own experience has been that not including those fish that never acclimate well and die in the first several weeks, that most fish last from 9 months to 2 years. Rarely have I had one last over 2 years. Is this about normal, or extraordinarily bad??? I am just not sure what a hobbyist should expect. Thoughts?


Active Member
It depends. Neon gobies have a short lifespan (usually about a year or so). My LFS has had the same yellow tang in their DT for 7-8 years, so
. Keep them healthy and they should last.


I had a clown goby for 21 years and ocellaris clown for 16 years and yellow tang and firefish for 7 years.


Well-Known Member
The first time I had marine fish, some 30 years ago, 6 months was pretty good. I now have a 110 gal tank, and fish that survive for more than 2 weeks (most), the average life span is 4 years, with the longest-lived fish at almost 8 years.

keith burn

Active Member
I have a GBM pair that i know the last 3 peps that had them. 15+y
My wbm is 8y
my blue tang well one of them is 4y
If the water&food are good some 30+ in tanks and in the sea ???