How long does everone run their Lights?


Active Member
I see that alot of people are runing all sorts of lights and wattages, How long do you run the lights on a tank with fish, LR and soft corals? I have a 210 gallon with 560 watts of VHO,
Which is on the light side according to most people,so how many hours per day?


50g reef LPS and Softies with 220w PC I run the PC 10 hours per day
37g reef LPS and SPS with 175w MH and PC actinic I run the MH 8 hours and the PC 10 hours.
i got this awesome timer that turns the lights on when the sun comes up and turns them off when the sun goes down. it required a little programming, and i can tell it when this is, but the little computer does most of the work. just trying to copy nature as best i can. 440 watt VHO


30 gal reef - 65w smart lite 12hr 30 actin - 7
150 gal reef still in work, only 8 mos old
220 w actn - 9 hrs
2 175w MH 4.5 hrs
1 175w MH 2 hrs - so they get full strength for 2 hrs.
I'll build up to 11-12 hrs of light and 5 maybe 6 hrs of MH.


Active Member
I'm FOWLR w/ NO lighting right now; they run for 10hrs. I am in the process of building a MH/PC hood right now. I can't wait!


I have a 45 gallon with a 175 w 10K MH and 2 96 w VHO actinics. I run the MH 9 hours and the VHO 11.


75 gal. with softies, LPS, SPS, and a deresa clam
220 watts VHO actinic-12 hours
220 watts PC 6700k- 10 hours