How long does it take a cleaner shrimp to grow?


My fireshrimp died in its second molt about a week ago I went to the LFS today and picked up a cleaner shrimp.. ( cheaper, and seem to have a lot more personality
My question is how long does it take for them to get full size? His body length is a little over 1 inch right now.

vinny p

could take a month.... but usually shrimp shed soon after introduced into a new enviro... what lfs said to me


I doubt it would be full size after just one molt?
I'm looking for how long it takes to get around 3 inches, not have a molt..


Originally Posted by Cocoacf
I doubt it would be full size after just one molt?
I'm looking for how long it takes to get around 3 inches, not have a molt..

Molting in general means they are growing...think that was the posters point...Not that it would reach full size in a month. All my cleaners have been very slow growers...maybe an inch a year at best
it's so slow I can't even really say.