how long does it take for a clown to start hosting


i have a green bubble tip the size of a softball and i want my false percs to host it. ive had it for about 4 days and just want a rough estimate of how long it will take because ive heard anywhere from a week to a couple of months


i have the same as you gbta and a perc, it took about two weeks for mine to start hosting
you will see the clown start checking it out and swiming by it a lot and then within a few days start hosting


Active Member
I have had my clowns w/a bta for almost a year and they don't host it. They did start hosting a feather duster that is in the tank though, but even that took six months. They may or may not host.


i agree with alyssia,they may or may not host.i have had my 2 clowns in my 24 gallon for 7 months and they just found the frogspawn to host lol.


alright thanks... i really hope that they do host it because thats kind of why i got it. but will they both host one bubble tip or not? they are a mated pair btw


It took about a month for my 2 clowns to start. Then it split but they hosted both then also. Now they both split and the clowns go to all 4 of them.


Active Member
It took my false perc about 3 months to host my BTA. I tried hanging a picture of a clown hosting at the beginning but he did it when he was ready.


Active Member
Originally Posted by patandlace
It took my false perc about 3 months to host my BTA. I tried hanging a picture of a clown hosting at the beginning but he did it when he was ready.

I have heard that lots of people have success w/that method.


I had a BTA and my clowns were scared or hated they beat the crap out of it and killed it. They accually buried it like a dog buries bones..they are O.clowns and don't host anything but sand. Brats!


thats not good. but im trying the picture idea hopefully it will work. if not then its just the waiting game. i fed mine squid and it is chillin with it right now


When I had my 2 false percs and my BTA awhil ago they never hosted. The false percs would sometimes sit right above the BTA acting like they wanted to get in, but would never touch him


Originally Posted by nctarheels
thats not good. but im trying the picture idea hopefully it will work. if not then its just the waiting game. i fed mine squid and it is chillin with it right now
I tried the picture thing too, they hated the "other" clowns, the female was constantly attacking the side of the tank. I have little aggressive clowns..anything new in the tank is subject to nips. I wish you luck..I'm probably the only one on here that hasn't had clowns host something! I've tried everything..they just like their sand.
They get very teed off when I have my hand around where they sleep. I have had them 1 yr so maybe when they get a little older I'll try the BTA again.


I introduced a long tentace anenome and 2 tomatos at the same time and the clowns hosted with in 3 min! I think I just got lucky though. My other tank had a clown that hosted a group of zoos


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
I tried the picture thing too, they hated the "other" clowns, the female was constantly attacking the side of the tank. I have little aggressive clowns..anything new in the tank is subject to nips. I wish you luck..I'm probably the only one on here that hasn't had clowns host something! I've tried everything..they just like their sand.
They get very teed off when I have my hand around where they sleep. I have had them 1 yr so maybe when they get a little older I'll try the BTA again.

your not alone.......4 months into this and my maroon will not host anything..


I Have the same problem, I had my clowns for 4 months now and 3 diffrent types of BTA and still no hosting. I keep wondering what I have to do to bribe them to host.


I'm almost convinced that it's because they know I want them to do it! I have all kinds of mushrooms, frogspawn, even Macro grape for them..I fig. something might appeal to them. I placed some of the grape algae in their corner..they had a fit, I thought it might be a nice bed for them..better than that scratchy sand. They weren't having it they beat it up! You should see how they attack my seahare when he goes over there to clean..they dive bomb him and he slowly goes his way..he's probably thinking what's their problem?!


Active Member
Clowns can be brats--they're related to the damsels and will host (or not) whenever they are good and ready....I agree that sometimes I think they know we want them to, so they don't just to irritate us!


i had a maroon clown hosted within a couple of hours depends on the fish and anenome compatability