How long does it take to acclimate a 29 gallon bio cube?


Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan
I'm just wanting to put in some coral and 2 false percs, a midas blenny, and some shrimp.
Do you mean cycle it?
i mean cycle and also can i put all the fish in at one time or should i stick the 2percs in at the same time and the midas a month later.


First figure out how you are going to cycle it. It is best to cycle the tank with uncured rock. You will have time to think about what fish you will add and the order to do it in.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
First figure out how you are going to cycle it. It is best to cycle the tank with uncured rock. You will have time to think about what fish you will add and the order to do it in.
Whats the difference between the cured and uncured rocks? And I was thinking about adding all of the fish at the same time because they are all really small.


Just be patient and add the two Clownfish at the same time, enjoy them for a few weeks, and then add the Midas. Wait on adding the Shrimp, as they are more sensitive to water parameters being off.
Do a search for "cured rock" or "uncured rock" and you'll find many posts on the difference.
Please don't add any fish or inverts until your parameters are in check, which would include:
Nitrates: 0 - 10 ppm
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: 0