How long does it take?


New Member
Alright, so I've had my tank for about 2 yrs now...mostly with a more than likely aquacultured regular clown found in the petstores, a shrimp, some snails, starfish. I recently wanted to step it up, so I replaced the lights/filters and all that jazz so I could get some coral and inverts going. Just received a shipment w/a bubble-tip, a few mushroom frags, flame scallop, etc.
Anyway, my question is this
- How long does it take before my Clown will try out his new bed? He had been sleeping in an empty conch shell, which I removed and replaced with the bubble-tip, but he seems to have no interest in it.
:help: Any tips or tricks to get him to at least try it out?



Originally Posted by OO7Slice
Alright, so I've had my tank for about 2 yrs now...mostly with a more than likely aquacultured regular clown found in the petstores, a shrimp, some snails, starfish. I recently wanted to step it up, so I replaced the lights/filters and all that jazz so I could get some coral and inverts going. Just received a shipment w/a bubble-tip, a few mushroom frags, flame scallop, etc.
Anyway, my question is this
- How long does it take before my Clown will try out his new bed? He had been sleeping in an empty conch shell, which I removed and replaced with the bubble-tip, but he seems to have no interest in it.
:help: Any tips or tricks to get him to at least try it out?

Well many say it happens in a couple months but, I have 2 clowns and neither paid attention to my frogspawn until 4 months in the tank together. It may even be close to 5 months for them. Suddenly they cannot get enough of one another. Both clowns act like the frogspawn is the best thing on earth. They play in it, sleep in it and just hang out in it.


New Member
Oh wow...I was not aware that it took that long. Hmm, so anyone know of a way to speed up this process? Such as tying the clown to the bubble-tip or putting some kind of metal shavings in the tank for the clown to eat and then having the bubble-tip swallow a magnet of some sort? I mean, if I were the clownfish, I'd pretty much take one look at that soft, waving, tentacled ball of goo and jump right in! But..unfortunately..I am no clownfish.
Hmm..still open to ideas, please post!


Originally Posted by OO7Slice
Oh wow...I was not aware that it took that long. Hmm, so anyone know of a way to speed up this process? Such as tying the clown to the bubble-tip or putting some kind of metal shavings in the tank for the clown to eat and then having the bubble-tip swallow a magnet of some sort? I mean, if I were the clownfish, I'd pretty much take one look at that soft, waving, tentacled ball of goo and jump right in! But..unfortunately..I am no clownfish.
Hmm..still open to ideas, please post!
I got my clown to its anemone within two days. It was a RBTA already in system and got the clowns over a year later. Place the anemone close to where the clown tends to favor, place it where the conch shell was. Other than that let nature run its course. Good Luck.


One never knows if or when it will happen or even if ever its going to happen. some take to the anemone right away within minutes, others take time as though they simply don't understand.
One reason for this might be the difference between tank raised and captive raised, wild ones knowing what to do vs. tank raised that don't know what to do. Personally I can't say for sure.


I have three clowns in my tank, which is intresting in itself. Two of them have no intrest in my BTA at all! theygo near it, and thats about it. The other one loves it, put him in the tank, and 3 seconds latter is made it his own. No fighting over it between the three, and it has been that way for 7 months now. The other two will sometimes sleep near it, but thats about it. Guess its just one of them weard instances. I was taking a change having three of them in the tank, but one i got as a gift so I said i'll try it and see how they react. If they fight i'll take one out. But odly enought they didn't. They all get along quite nicly which is rare. They don't even fight over food. WHich is fine my me, I don't problem fish in my tank.


New Member
So it looks to me as if it's a hit or miss. Well, thanks anyway to those who posted...meanwhile, I keep on returning from work with the hopes that one day...perhaps...just maybe...I'll walk in that door, and there will be the lovely sight of a befriended bubble-tip.