How long does YOURS last . . .


Active Member
So . . . how long does your heater last, or should I say how long has it lasted? The reason I ask is that a couple of us have heaters that are going on a year plus and wondering . . . is it time to change it out?


Active Member
Just replaced mine, but the former had been going for over a year. Only died because of my stupidity. Did a large water change, unplugged everything in the sump (or so I thought), and drained most of the water.
Well, you guessed it, the heater was still plugged in, and was above the water line. Cracked and fell in. No damage done, only 2 pieces of glass, and no filament contamination in the water. I think it would have kept going for a while otherwise.


we have a heater that after about 5 days we had to clean the salt build up off of it and the black lattice (paint like stuff) that is all around the tube all came off.


For saltwater I'm closing in on a year. For freshwater I have a couple that are somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 years, and they still work and are currently on tanks.


I had a Tronic go into flames at 3:00 in the morning when i was on the computer. Heater was only three months old. Thank god i was awake. Never will buy another one.


I had a Visitherm that was in FW for approx 2 years.
Put it into my SW and it died about 2 weeks later....connection? Not sure.
But I bought a new VisiTherm and it has a lifetime warranty!!


I thought bubbles in the tank were good.... it seems that my heaters last under a year.
I think the next ones will be Ebo


Heres another little thing I picked up along the way....
Its a well known ( well maybe not well known ) fact that salt water is harder to heat and has a higher boiling temp. Which is what makes me think that little cheap-o heaters die under the extended running times. Trying to heat 10 gallons of freshwater is easier to heat then 10g of salt and as tank sizes get bigger most folks dont use enough wattage and the "Cheap-O" heaters have to run longer and burn out.
So theres my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Does not using a heater count as heating with a fire? Woops I have a heat pump so that woundn't be technically correct.