How long for cycle

rabid frog

Active Member
I had my tank cycled with live rock in it then i orderes 50 more pounds from this site... really great rock btw. How long for the spikes to settle down. I have a wet/dry trickle filter, seaclone protein skimmer and a rainbow fluidized(sp) sand filter. How long before I can start adding my corals?


im in the middle of my cycle right now, just tough it out, do your water tests, kick back and fugataboutit for a all happens in time


The only way to know to tell if the cycle is over is to test your water. when nitrites nitrates and amm are all 0 then you have successfully cycled your tank. If you get good quality LR and good water it could be as soon as 3 weeks, but most of the stuff you get wil not be shall we say the highest of quality then 4-6 is a pretty good estimate

rabid frog

Active Member
well i have a 55 gal. i had about 10 poundds of lr in there before and it cycled i had the mater tested all was good but then i got an ich and bought 50 lbs of lr and it was shipped 2nd day, so still about 6 weeks.. and y turn off the skimmer?